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Manavta's COVID-19 Emergency Response

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In Western Nepal, the lack of income for daily wage earners, market lockdowns and shut borders are causing serious food shortages. In addition, good hygiene is of utmost importance, given the nature of this virus. 

Manavta means humanity and although our projects are on hold, our mission is not. We will be working alongside our local project partners, Karnali Sports Club and Namuna School to contribute as much as we collectively can to help with the emergency response in Western Nepal. A donation today will go towards emergency support for Namuna School students and their families. 

We will be distributing hygiene kits ($10 CAD includes soap, menstrual pads and water iodine tablets), as well as contribute to a local food bank, and continue to stand prepared to respond as the situation in Nepal continues to rapidly change.

To register head to Manavta's COVID-19 Emergency Response and learn more. Thank you for always giving a shit!